OMG Specialty bread was developed at home over 10 years primarily to provide high quality nutrition, make great toast and sandwich bread, have outstanding taste and texture, and to be suitable for a child's sensitive palate. OMGoodness wanted to expand their market throughout New Zealand and ultimately, Australia. Breads are best when they are fresh. By portraying to cafes and individuals the ease of their Pre-mix, customers would be inspired to make their own bread at home- bringing nutritious, allergy free, fresh OMG bread into homes throughout the country and overseas.
OMG already had an "about us story" for their media presence, but to encourage customers to empower themselves with the product, I collaborated with clients’ teams to produce a narrative-rich video illustrating the effortless home preparation of OMGoodness’ bread, seamlessly integrating the brand’s identity and values; to showcase the product’s ease & brand’s ethos.
OMG Pre-Mix sales increased rapidly with a 25% increase in customer engagement, leading to OMGoodness’ rapid expansion throughout New Zealand..
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